Team Bohen Update (unlimited shorts??)

Team Bohen Update (unlimited shorts??)

Episode 74: Tim Bohen Team Update Curious about how the SteadyTrade Paper Trading Challenge is progressing? In last week’s episode, Stephen Johnson’s team talked a big game about how they’ve got this challenge in the bag. Is it true … is Tim Bohen’s team really in...
Team Jonks Update (Do Your Dailies!)

Team Jonks Update (Do Your Dailies!)

Episode 73: Team Jonk’s Update (Do your Dailies!) Ready for the latest update on the SteadyTrade Paper Trading Challenge? Host Tim Bohen is away this week. When the cat’s away, the mice will play — so this week you’ll be treated to an update on host Stephen...
How Mason Fecht made $200k**

How Mason Fecht made $200k**

At the SteadyTrade podcast, hosts Tim and Stephen like to put an accent on the “steady” part of their approach to trading. That being said, sometimes they like to feature exceptional traders to inspire you on your journey. 21-year-old trader Mason Fecht has had a very...
No Remember November

No Remember November

Episode 71: No Remember November With Sober October over, it’s time to advance into No Remember November. In this episode of the SteadyTrade Podcast, hosts Tim Bohen and Stephen Johnson are ready to party, but rather than with drinks or drugs, it’s with paper. Yes,...
Shattering Your Comfort Zone

Shattering Your Comfort Zone

Gird your loins and prepare yourself for an emotional trust circle of epic proportions! In today’s episode, hosts Tim Bohen and Stephen Johnson want to talk about self improvement and self care and how they can both make you a better trader. Blame Tim: he just...
Paper Trading Challenge: Meet the Contestants

Paper Trading Challenge: Meet the Contestants

Are you ready to rrrrumble? Today’s episode commences the first annual SteadyTrade Paper Trading Competition (try saying that five times fast). This paper trading competition was dreamed up by the SteadyTrade crew as a way to help traders advance — and, you know, to...
Tim Sykes and the Art of Grinding

Tim Sykes and the Art of Grinding

Ep 68 – Tim Sykes and the Art of Grinding Today is a red-letter day for the SteadyTrade Podcast. Finally, after 15 months of podcasting, we’ve nabbed super-trader and trading teacher Tim Sykes as our guest on today’s show. In the episode, hosts Tim Bohen and...
Hot Tips for Cannabis and Other Hot Sectors

Hot Tips for Cannabis and Other Hot Sectors

In penny stocks, there are seasons and there are trends. Last year it was cryptomania. This year, the marijuana sector is blazing hot. As a trader, how can you identify and take advantage of these hot sectors? What are the best strategies, and how can you approach...
Tips for Success with Arick Russell

Tips for Success with Arick Russell

Episode 66: Tips for Success with Arick Russell This is possibly the most ridiculous SteadyTrade podcast ever … Not because of who the guest is (the amazing Arick Russell) but because Stephen shows up in a neck brace — check it out on YouTube now and see for...
Interview With Forex Trading Coach Akil

Interview With Forex Trading Coach Akil

In this episode, the SteadyTrade Podcast takes a brief break from its typical penny stock-centric focus and dives into the waters of forex trading. Forex, or foreign exchange trading, is a method of trading not stocks, but foreign currencies. In today’s episode, hosts...