TWIST Sweepstakes

Hey trader,  Thanks so much for being a dedicated listener to the SteadyTrade podcast! We hope you’re finding value in each episode. We’re beginning to branch out with new series, such as the TWIST show every Thursday.  TWIST episodes will now be considered its own...
How to Profit From Outrage

How to Profit From Outrage

Is the call-out culture out of control? Call-out culture, also referred to as outrage culture, refers to a sort of public shaming. It’s where people put a spotlight on the offenses others commit.  You’ve probably noticed this phenomenon has been ramping up in recent...
Kim’s Pennystocking Journey Begins

Kim’s Pennystocking Journey Begins

  Big news! We’d like to officially announce … Kim Ann Curtin, aka The Wall Street Coach, is now OFFICIALLY a co-host of the SteadyTrade podcast. Get to know Kim better in this recent StocksToTrade post. Frequent listeners already know Kim pretty well...