Ep 29 – The Triforce Trader
On the Steady Trade Podcast, we strive to educate you on ways to attain and maintain a long-term career as a trader. As part of that mission, we occasionally like to share interviews with successful traders to inspire you on your journey. Today, Tim and Stephen...
The Slow Market Blues
It’s a simple fact: the market is ever evolving. The economy, time of year, and many other factors play into the ever-changing nature of stocks and how they perform. As a trader, these fluctuations can sometimes be scary and disorienting and cause a slow market. ...
Listener Mailbag
In each and every episode of the Steady Trade Podcast, we try to focus on a specific subject or theme that will further your trading career. But today, we’re taking a different approach and turning the microphone to you, our listener mailbag. In this episode,...