Episode 212: Strategic Side Hustles: Why Diversification is Crucial for Traders
Do you have a strategic side hustle? Hosts Kim Ann Curtin, Stephen Johnson, and Tim Bohen tackle the importance of a great side hustle — or two. And how it can make you a better trader. Many traders start with the desire to trade full-time and quit their day jobs....
TWIST: Find Your “Aha” Moment(s)
Every trader has at least one… Most successful traders have many over the course of their careers. So what’s an ‘aha’ moment? For some, it could be as simple as learning a new trading strategy. And for others, it may be as painful as blowing up their first trading...
Episode 211: Nature vs. Nurture: Are Great Traders Born or Self-Made?
What does it take to be a great trader? That’s at the core of this week’s episode of the SteadyTrade with Kim Ann Curtin, Stephen Johnson, and Tim Bohen. Stephen and Tim take a different approach to greatness. And Kim lends her perspective as a Wall Street Coach...