Start Preparing Your Portfolio for the Election
We’re less than three weeks away from finding out who will become the next president of the United States in one of the tightest races in history. That fact that we don’t have a good sense of who will win just 20 days out from Election Day should have investors on...
10-Bagger’ Investments Aren’t Impossible
The term “10-baggers” is thrown around often in the financial industry. It’s not commonplace to be able to identify a stock that will eventually go up 10X in value. But it is achievable. In the investment world, snagging a 10-bagger is equivalent to receiving a...
These Aren’t Your Parents’ Utilities…
The third quarter is officially in the books, and the best-performing sector of the year so far has been utility stocks. This often considered “boring” sector is up 30% year to date and trading near all-time highs. It just logged its best quarter since 2003. And it’s...